hello again

we've all heard the phrase, 'it's a small world' ... and, in a lot of ways it is. more than once i've experienced feeling that way. 

we all travel in our own little worlds, don't we? filtered by our schools, or hobbies, cultures or careers. it's not unusual to run into people you know who share your same interests close to home or away. 

it's usually a very nice, unexpected surprise when this happens and it happened for me this week. a series of unrelated (to me) circumstances put me in a position of filling in for a videographer that couldn't make a scheduled day of shooting for a director friend of mine. now, i am a photographer and i'm a pretty confident and competent one (if i do say so myself .. lol), and video is not at all in my comfort zone. however, i wanted to help out a friend, and i promised to do my best, and, off i went. 

this shoot had absolutely nothing to do with dogs, or taking photos of dogs, but the client, the star of the video, had a dog. and he, of course, got my immediate attention.his name was one i had only heard once before, and he had the most soulful eyes as many of my dog subjects do, but i was very drawn to him the whole time we were doing our work.

that evening, while i was backing up the days work onto a hard drive, i came across an old file and was stunned to find the photos of that very dog that i had taken when he arrived at the rescue i worked at. his name then, and now, is bronson. and he is the most amazing, loving, chill family member in a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood and my heart is so full of joy for him.

i love my photography business and i love my clients. but i am passionate about taking photos that can, and have led to an otherwise homeless, lost or abandoned dog find new lives. i got to see the happily ever after. so, hello again, bronson.  nice to see you. 

hello again, bronson